
Hypoxi L250

The Hypoxi L250 is a hi-tech treatment that aids fat loss in targeted areas that are typically more stubborn, as well as helping to smooth out cellulite-prone areas. A form of low-impact exercise that can be up to 3 times more effective than just traditional exercise.

How It Works

The treatment consists of being in the ‘pod-like’ Hypoxi L250 machine, sealed from the waist down, in which you cycle for 30 minutes. The Hypoxi L250 machine uses alternating low atmospheric pressure to stimulate blood circulation to aid fat burning in the areas in the machine, such as the stomach, thighs, hips and buttocks.

Expected ResultS

Targeted fat reduction and body shaping if the course is carried out properly. The skin should look smoother, stubborn areas smaller and lifted.


Brittish Pound Sign

£495 for a course of 12 sessions to be carried out over 1 month. It is then £180 for every 6 sessions after the initial course.


Duration of Treatment

30 minutes per session.



None required.


Treatment Interval

At least 3 sessions per week for 1 month to achieve optimal fat reduction. Further sessions will be dependent person to person.

Questions and Advice

Pre Treatment Advice

Pre-treatment advice: Carbohydrates must be eaten before the session to provide maximum energy. Post-treatment advice: After the Hypoxi session, protein must be eaten in the 4 hours after. No alcohol, no exercise and no heat treatments, such as sun tanning beds, after your session.